I have a Property model which has a lot of fields, but I am interested in the is_shared
class Property(models.Model):
is_shared = models.BooleanField(blank=True, null=True)
I also have a pretty standard, out of the box, viewset, serializer and a filter for this model.
I want my filter to work so if the is_shared
query parameter is NOT sent, it will return properties with is_shared=False
For that, I have the following filter method:
class PropertyFilter(dj_filters.FilterSet):
is_shared = dj_filters.BooleanFilter(method='filter_by_is_shared')
def filter_by_is_shared(queryset, name, value):
return queryset if value else queryset.filter(is_shared=False)
This works well if True or False are sent in the request, but if is_shared
isn't sent at all it won't work.
I've tried adding this to the serializer without luck.
class PropertySerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = Property
fields = ['is_shared']
extra_kwargs = {
'is_shared': {'default': False}
I've also updated the request before the filter_queryset
method in the ViewSet to trick the filter, but it doesn't get called anyway:
request.data.update({"is_shared": self.request.GET.get('is_shared')})
How can I achieve so if the is_shared
query parameter is not sent, I treat it as if it was false
I think you need to update request.GET
instead of request.data
The only things that prevents you doing it is that request.GET
is a QueryDict
object which is immutable.
This hack should work but I'm not sure if it can cause any unexpected consequences:
request.GET._mutable = True
request.GET.update({'is_shared': request.GET.get('is_shared', False)})