I'm trying to write a script where based on a given list of hostnames from input.txt file,
I have to copy a file from the source server to the destination server for the user - alex.
Password is same for all hosts.
this asks for password every time and I tried SPAWN command with expect and send.
The below scripts give password automatically, only for the first prompt.
I'm aware there are other ways like SSH keys and password-less authentication.
But my exact requriement here is when I trigger the script - copying.sh it will ask multiple times for the "password", in this example 3 times as there are 3 different hosts and I should be able to send it from spawn_file.exp.
Can some one help me how can I implement it and what changes should I make ?
# copying.sh
while read line
scp /usr/file.txt alex@${line}://home/temp/
done < input.txt
set timeout -1
spawn sh copying.sh
match_max 100000
expect -exact "Password: "
send -- "abcd1234"
expect eof
THis is where you use the exp_continue
set timeout -1
spawn sh copying.sh
match_max 100000
expect {
-exact "Password: " {
send -- "abcd1234"
That expect
statemennt will wait for either "password" or eof.
is seen, there is no action, the expect statement ends, and then the expect script ends.