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Add executable to /usr/local/bin: command not found (macOS)

I made a simple program in ruby. The file has the shebang at the top and it is executable. When I run it (./parser.rb), it works.

I then created a symlink using ln -s parser.rb refs.

I then moved this symlink to /usr/local/bin. I restarted my terminal and ran refs, this gave me the following message:

zsh: command not found: refs

I cheched my path variable:

jonaseveraert@MacBook-Air-van-Jonas bin % echo $PATH                       

So that seems fine. I then went into the directory /usr/local/bin looked for the file:

jonaseveraert@MacBook-Air-van-Jonas bin % ls -l | grep refs    
lrwxr-xr-x@ 1 jonaseveraert  staff         9 25 jan 14:14 refs.rb -> parser.rb

So, the file is there, but running it inside of the directory gives me:

jonaseveraert@MacBook-Air-van-Jonas bin % ./refs
zsh: no such file or directory: ./refs

Is there anything I'm forgetting here? I can't seem to find an answer to this.


  • I have found the solution here. The problem was that I made the symlink inside of the same directory as parser.rb and then moved it to /usr/local/bin

    When running

    jonaseveraert@MacBook-Air-van-Jonas bin % ls -l | grep refs    
    lrwxr-xr-x@ 1 jonaseveraert  staff         9 25 jan 14:14 refs.rb -> parser.rb

    It shows that refs.rb is pointing to parser.rb in the same directory, but it's parser.rb that isn't there (because it's in another directory).

    So, I executed /Users/jonaseveraert/Documents/projects/academic/parser/parser.rb refs inside of /usr/local/bin and now:

    jonaseveraert@MacBook-Air-van-Jonas bin % ls -l refs                                                                  
    lrwxr-xr-x  1 jonaseveraert  admin  65 25 jan 15:36 refs -> /Users/jonaseveraert/Documents/projects/academic/parser/parser.rb

    The file is now pointing to the right file and can be executed using refs.