I'm trying to implement scheduling mechanism by the masstransit/rabbitmq
I've added the configuration as stated in the docs:
Uri schedulerEndpoint = new (Constants.MassTransit.SchedulerEndpoint);
services.AddMassTransit(mtConfiguration =>
mtConfiguration.AddSagaStateMachine<ArcStateMachine, ArcProcess>(typeof(ArcSagaDefinition))
.Endpoint(e => e.Name = massTransitConfiguration.SagaQueueName)
.MongoDbRepository(mongoDbConfiguration.ConnectionString, r =>
r.DatabaseName = mongoDbConfiguration.DbName;
r.CollectionName = mongoDbConfiguration.CollectionName;
mtConfiguration.UsingRabbitMq((context, cfg) =>
cfg.Host(new Uri(rabbitMqConfiguration.Host), hst =>
Then I'm sending a scheduled message using the Bus
DateTime messageScheduleTime = DateTime.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1);
await _MessageScheduler.SchedulePublish<ScheduledMessage>(messageScheduleTime, new
ActivationId = context.Data.ActivationId
is the IMessageScheduler
I do see the Scheduler queue receive the scheduled message and I see the correct scheduledTime
property in it but the message does not reach the state machine whenever its schedule should fire. Seems like I'm missing something in the configuration or some MassTransit service that is not started.
Please, assist.
If you actually read the documentation you would see that UseDelayedMessageScheduler
is the proper configuration to use RabbitMQ for scheduling. And AddDelayedMessageScheduler
for the container-based IMessageScheduler