Hello I am looking to extract the 'century' values from a daterange field in postgresql.
My field looks like this
The result should be "18" for Eighteenth Century
I know you can do this for individual date fields such as:
SELECT EXTRACT('century' FROM "event_timestamp") AS "day of week"
FROM "events";
However, I have not found away to do the same with the daterange format.
Any help would be great
This will work:
Substring("event_timestamp"::varchar),2,10)::Date) AS "day
of week"
FROM "events";
But only for the first date not the successive ones.
For both of them date its like :
SELECT EXTRACT('century' FROM Substring("a"::varchar,2,10)::Date) AS "day
of week",EXTRACT('century' FROM Substring("a"::varchar,13,10)::Date) AS "day
of week"
FROM Table1;