I would like to count the number of 'i' in the name 'olivia' but I have the impression that my condition is not valid?
How to do charAt in RPG 4 please?
FOR i = 1 to %len(name);
IF %check(name : letter) = 0;
count += 1;
Here is the complete code:
dcl-s name varchar(50);
dcl-s letter char(1);
dcl-s count packed(2:0);
dcl-s i packed(3:0);
dcl-s waitInput char(1);
dcl-s message varchar(50);
name = 'olivia';
letter = 'i';
count = 0;
FOR i = 1 to %len(name);
IF %check(name : letter) = 0;
count += 1;
message = 'The name ' + %char(name) + ' has ' + %char(count) + 'time(s) the letter ' + (letter) ;
dsply message '' waitInput;
*INLR = *on;
IF %check(name : letter) = 0;
IF %subst(name :i:1) = letter;