Is there a better way to achieve what the code below does? The list 'tickers' is a combination of stock tickers (e.g. AAPL, IBM)
list1 = tickers
list2 = []
dct = {}
count = 0
for i in tickers:
dct[i] = list2[count:]
Since len(yf.Ticker(i).history(period='7d')['Close'])==7
, it seems redundant to extend a list and then slice off the items appended to the list. So instead of the convoluted loop, use a dict comprehension:
dct = {i: yf.Ticker(i).history(period='7d')['Close'] for i in tickers}
As an explicit loop:
dct = {}
for i in tickers:
dct[i] = yf.Ticker(i).history(period='7d')['Close']