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OnKeyEvent without focus in Jetpack Compose

I am creating an app that makes use of a physical button on the device.

This button will have a different functionality depending on the screen that is active.

With Activities what I would do would be to have an Activity for each screen and in each one I would override the onKeyDown function. How would I do this with a single activity that navigates between different Jetpack Compose screens? According to the Android documentation the correct way would be something like this...

Box(modifier = Modifier
    .onKeyEvent {
        Log.e("Pressed", it.nativeKeyEvent.keyCode.toString())
) {
    // All screen components

But this only works when one of the elements on the screen is focused and what I require is that it always works or not, is there a way to achieve this?


  • One option is to keep the focus on the view so that the Modifier.onKeyEvent always works. Note that it may conflict with other focusable views, like TextField, so all these views should be children(at any level) of this always-focusable view.

    val focusRequester = remember { FocusRequester() }
    var hasFocus by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
            .onFocusChanged {
                hasFocus = it.hasFocus
            .onKeyEvent {
    ) {
    if (!hasFocus) {
        LaunchedEffect(Unit) {

    Another option is to create compositional local handlers and pass events from your activity:

    class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
        private val keyEventHandlers = mutableListOf<KeyEventHandler>()
        override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
            setContent {
                CompositionLocalProvider(LocalKeyEventHandlers provides keyEventHandlers) {
                    // your app
        override fun onKeyDown(keyCode: Int, event: KeyEvent): Boolean {
            return keyEventHandlers.reversed().any { it(keyCode, event) } || super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event)
    val LocalKeyEventHandlers = compositionLocalOf<MutableList<KeyEventHandler>> {
        error("LocalKeyEventHandlers is not provided")
    typealias KeyEventHandler = (Int, KeyEvent) -> Boolean
    fun ListenKeyEvents(handler: KeyEventHandler) {
        val handlerState = rememberUpdatedState(handler)
        val eventHandlers = LocalKeyEventHandlers.current
        DisposableEffect(handlerState) {
            val localHandler: KeyEventHandler = {
            onDispose {


    ListenKeyEvents { code, event ->