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Wagtail superuser unable to log in to CMS

I'm new to Wagtail and django. I've completed the course and managed to get my site up and running on Digital ocean, however I'm unable to login to the admin area. I have tried using the superuser credentials that were used locally. I have also tried multiple times to create a new superuser with:

python createsuperuser

and while the process appears to work successfully in the terminal (I'm logged in via SSH to my DO droplet), I continually receive the 'Your username and password didn't match. Please try again.' message when attempting to log in with the newly created username and password. If I use the shell to check users I can see my newly created user exists. I have also tried using

python changepassword myusername

to change the password on the previously created superusers, but again, while the process appears to work successfully in the terminal I continue to receive the error message when attempting to log in. Can anyone point me in the right direction as to what I might be missing or doing wrong here? And / or how I might best debug the issue? Thanks in advance!


  • I needed to make sure my commands were picking up my production settings. So running: DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=mysite.settings.production ./ createsuperuser

    and NOT: python createsuperuser was the solution.