Search code examples

Odoo rpc calls for unauthenticated users?

I am developing a template/page for Odoo where I am using an RPC call.

The problem I am having is that I want the page to be of type public, but unfortunately RPC calls are only available for authenticated users. I am trying to execute a search query, e.g:

    model: modelName,
    method: 'search_read',
    args: [domain, fields]


  • You shold write a controller auth='public' and call it with any REST Client.

    Controller somthin like this:

    @http.route('/my_controller', type='json', method=['GET,POST'], auth='public', csrf=False)
    def my_controller(self):

    You only should be careful with passing the proper cokie for Odoo.

    I hope this answer can be helpful for you.