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AutoFixture with AutoNSubstituteCustomization: Set object count on ReadOnly IEnumerable<t> property

My test requires that I have different counts of objects in an IEnumerable property of the main entity collection. I have been searching for documentation about this but can't find anything. Here is a sample of what I mean (note that the base entity is created using AutoNSubstituteCustomization)

IFixture fixture = new Fixture().Customize(new AutoNSubstituteCustomization() { ConfigureMembers = true });
var t = fixture.CreateMany<ITransaction>(5)
var service1 = Substitute.For<ITransactionsSvc>();
var service2 = Substitute.For<IRequestsSvc>();
  new Result(){
    TransactionId = t.First().Files.First().RequestId

Where ITransaction would look like

public interface ITransaction
    long RequestId { get; }
    IEnumerable<FileDef> Files { get; }
    IEnumerable<Comment> Comments { get; }

I know I could set fixture.RepeatCount to specify the global count but how can I have a different value for Files and Comments?

I already tried using t.With(x => x.Files, () => fixture.CreateMany<FileDef>(rnd.Next(1,5)) but it throws saying this is a readonly property.

I also tried using NSubstitute .Returns on the t.Files property but for some reason, the type of RequestId got changed from Int64 to Task`1 when trying to read the value for service2 ReturnForAnyArgs response.

I know I had to remove some of the complexity from the real case so that is stays concise so I hope I didn't remove too much and kept it understandable. If you need any precisions, feel welcome to ask.

Sub-question: is there any complete documentation on AutoFixture? On AutoFixture website I was only able to find very introductory documentation.


  • In fact, as @AndreiIvascu mentionned, the problem AND the cleanest solution I found were linked to NSubstitute. Since NSubstitute is creating the instances, theses instances can be configured using standard NSubstitute calls.

    The solution is simply to use Returns and ReturnsForAnyArgs as I mentionned but it is essential that this newly created substitute is not used directly in the definition of a second substitute as it was the case when accessing the RequestId.

    Note the line var requestId = t.First().Files.First().RequestId; that is now outside of the new Result() definition.

    public void MyTest()
      IFixture fixture = new Fixture().Customize(new AutoNSubstituteCustomization() { ConfigureMembers = true });
      var t = fixture.Create<ITransaction>();
      var service1 = Substitute.For<ITransactionsSvc>();
      var requestId = t.First().Files.First().RequestId;
      var service2 = Substitute.For<IRequestsSvc>();
        new Result(){
          TransactionId = requestId