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The following NoSuchMethodError was thrown building MyApp(dirty, state: _MyAppState#86032):

I get this error message and have no idea how to fix it:

Exception caught by widgets library The following NoSuchMethodError was thrown building MyApp(dirty, state: _MyAppState#86032):

The method 'call' was called on null.

Receiver: null

Tried calling: call(Instance of 'ChangeNotifierProvider<UserLoggedIn>')```

And this is the code that's the cause of this problem:

void main() {

class MyApp extends StatefulHookWidget {

 _MyAppState createState() => _MyAppState();

class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp>

I thought I should change the current flutter version I use because this happened when I updated flutter, but that didn't work.


  • Sounds like you may have updated flutter to a version that has null safety. When this happens, methods cannot be null even if in the previous version of flutter it was ok and ran. Take a look at these references: Null Safety
