Another developer at work told me it wouldn't work for some reason specific to Visual Basic 6 applications.
But I think it should work as long as you include the correct DLLs and runtime files, isn't VB6 compiled to machine code?
EDIT: I just mean in general should it be possible. I'm going to actually test this out in a few days as long as nobody gives me a theoretical reason it won't work.
EDIT 2: I think the developer was referring to P-code, which vb6 can optionally compile to instead of binary which runs under a virtual machine similar to (or the precursor of) the .Net framework.
I've tested a large VB6 app in Wine under Ubuntu. Event the msi installer worked fine. Had some troubles with low-level implementation details (e.g. in NM_CUSTOMDRAW on CDRF_NOTIFYITEMDRAW phase the hDC text is not transparent by default as in Windows common controls). So yes, even heavily subclassed stuff works. I just had to iron those minor glitches.
Here is a function that checks if app is running under wine
Property Get IsWine() As Boolean
IsWine = (GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("kernel32"), "wine_get_unix_file_name") <> 0)
End Property