I want to add two Series in Pandas and I use add() function to do this like this:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
a = pd.Series([35000,71000,16000,5000],index=['Ohio','Texas','Oregon','Utah'])
b = pd.Series([np.nan,71000,16000,35000],index=['California', 'Texas', 'Oregon', 'Ohio'])
print(a.add(b, fill_value=0))
It prints :
California NaN
Ohio 70000.0
Oregon 32000.0
Texas 142000.0
Utah 5000.0
dtype: float64
This method sort my indexes But I don't want to
What can I do or What method can I use?
You expected output is unclear, but assuming you want to keep the exact index of a
, you could do:
a.add(b.reindex_like(a), fill_value=0)
Ohio 70000.0
Texas 142000.0
Oregon 32000.0
Utah 5000.0
dtype: float64