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Parse data between %%

could you please tell me if the string between %% can be parsed so that instead of displaying e.g. %offerroomlistBox% , I can render another view that will display the data I need.


I get the data from the database , their var_dump looks like this

var_dump of data

The only thing I use is 'description'

I display the data on the ckeditor with the simplest

<textarea >
echo $this->templatesList[0]['description']
</textarea >

templatesList is a list taken from database in such way

    $TemplatesModel = new TemplatesModel();
    $this->view->templatesList = $TemplatesModel->getAll(['where'=>["kind='offers_email'"]]);


  • try this

    echo str_replace('%','',$this->templatesList[0]['description']);

    to learn about str_replace, please visit here