I am trying to replicate amCharts 4 Auto-adjusting chart height based on a number of data items with amCharts 5 instead.
I already asked a question on Stack Overflow to understand how amCharts 5 returns the height of an axis that has not been drawn yet. No answer so far.
The best I have come so far is with:
// Note: before first render, axis.height() returns erroneous value so the following hack fixes the problem but it assumes an initial root height of 300px
function getAxisHeight(axis: am5xy.CategoryAxis<am5xy.AxisRendererY>) {
let height = 198.2;
if (axis.inited) {
height = axis.height();
return height;
function addAutoHeight(
root: am5.Root,
categoryAxis: am5xy.CategoryAxis<am5xy.AxisRendererY>,
columnSize: number
) {
categoryAxis.events.on("datavalidated", function (ev) {
const axis = ev.target;
const totalColumnSize = axis.data.length * columnSize;
const adjustHeight = totalColumnSize - getAxisHeight(axis);
const targetHeight = root.height() + adjustHeight;
root.dom.style.height = targetHeight + "px";
So, can we auto-adjust the chart height based on a number of data items with amCharts 5 without dirty hacks like above? If yes, what settings, event handlers, … allows that?
With the help of the new amCharts 5 Auto-adjusting chart height based on a number of data items tutorial, this is what works for me:
function addAutoHeight(
categoryAxis: am5xy.CategoryAxis<am5xy.AxisRendererY>,
columnSize: number
) {
categoryAxis.events.on("datavalidated", function (ev) {
const yAxis = ev.target;
const chart = yAxis.chart;
if (chart) {
// a title was added on top of the chart
const titleHeight = chart.children.getIndex(0)?.height() ?? 0;
const height =
chart.get("paddingTop", 0) +
titleHeight +
chart.topAxesContainer.height() +
yAxis.data.length * columnSize +
chart.bottomAxesContainer.height() +
chart.get("paddingBottom", 0);
chart.root.dom.style.height = height + "px";
The event is attached to the axis and not the series because only the values in the axis matter.