In gSheets, I wrote an apps script which creates a DocX file based on a gDoc. The DocX file is then moved to the target folder, which is a shared gDrive folder.
Here's the code snippet:
function createDocX(docID, rowData, subFolder) {
var token = ScriptApp.getOAuthToken();
var blb = UrlFetchApp.fetch(''+docID+'&exportFormat=docx',
{headers : {Authorization : 'Bearer '+ token}}).getBlob();
//Create the docx file in Google Drive
var docxFile = DriveApp.createFile(blb).setName(`${rowData[0][3]}_Report.docx`);
//Move the docx file
Here is how I created the destination folder:
var subFolder = folder.createFolder(rowData[0][3]);
I used the same script on another spreadsheet and it worked fine for every user in my team. However, I made a new spreadsheet and the script runs just for me and one other early adopter of the script. When a new user tries to use the script, they get the following error:
Exception: Unexpected error while getting the method or property moveTo on object DriveApp.File.
I checked that every user has access to the shared folder where the file should be moved to.
EDIT: It seems like the issue is caused by the shared drive. If I change the destination folder to the original one, it does work for everyone. However, it does not work for a new folder in the exact same directory.
, you can directly create the file there instead of moving itModify
var docxFile = DriveApp.createFile(blb).setName(`${rowData[0][3]}_Report.docx`);
//Move the docx file
var docxFile = DriveApp.getFolderById('here goes folder id as string').createFile(blb).setName(`${rowData[0][3]}_Report.docx`);
If the modified code snippet does not work for you, check the following:
id within the funciton to make sure the correct folder is addressed