Search code examples

Odoo 13: Module Contacts: How can I store ids (e.g. [4, 8, 9]) as a new field for each contact

I have got a few ids (e.g. [4, 8, 9]) and I would like to store them as a new field in module Contacts (python code). The number of ids may vary for each contact. Moreover, I would like to use this new field in filter. What type of field do I need?

Thank you in advance!


  • I would use One2Many field to store such data, but you need to know what model your ids is. Something like this:

    children_ids = fields.One2many('child.model', 'parent_id')

    Then in the child model, you should have a Many2One field named parent_id (you can change the field name) so it can to refer back to its parent. Something like this:

    parent_id = fields.Many2one('parent.model')

    For filter feature, this may guide you on how to do it. Basically, you can add the field into the search. Something like this:

    <field name="children_ids" string="Children IDs" filter_domain="[('children_ids.some_field','ilike', self)]"/>