I'm implementing the EddyVerbruggen/nativescript-localize plug-in in my nativescript 8 angular app and I'm wondering if there is a way to automatically restart the app after an exit in IOS or a finish in android used to change the app language.
To be more precise, in the official NS documentation (https://docs.nativescript.org/plugins/localize.html#how-to-change-the-language-dynamically-at-runtime ) I found this code (see below alert ...) I wish to complete ????? (see code below) with a method (if is possible) that will RESTART the app after close.
import { Application } from '@nativescript/core'
import { overrideLocale } from '@nativescript/localize'
title: 'Switch Language',
message: 'The application needs to be restarted to change language',
okButtonText: 'Quit!'
}).then(() => {
if (isAndroid) {
Application.android.foregroundActivity || Application.android.startActivity
// Here I need a method to RESTART the app automatically after finsih
} else {
// Here I need a method to RESTART the app automatically after exit
To restart the app in nativescript android, use this:
if (isAndroid) {
const Intent = android.content.Intent;
type Intent = android.content.Intent;
const IntentCompat = androidx.core.content.IntentCompat;
type IntentCompat = androidx.core.content.IntentCompat;
const ctx: android.content.Context = application.android.context;
const mainIntent: Intent = IntentCompat.makeMainSelectorActivity(Intent.ACTION_MAIN, Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER);
Application.android.foregroundActivity ||
For iOS, it seems that you can't restart the app, and Apple's recommendation is even not to exit the app programmatically using exit()
as you can read here:
Warning: Do not call the exit function. Applications calling exit will appear to the user to have crashed, rather than performing a graceful termination and animating back to the Home screen.
However, if you still want to call the exit function, there are workarounds to restart the app such as scheduling a local notification to be displayed after the application exits (as appears here). To do this using nativescript you can use NativeScript Local Notifications Plugin using the following code:
import {
} from 'nativescript-local-notifications';
// inside your class:
private scheduleNotification() {
var scheduledTime = new Date();
scheduledTime.setSeconds(scheduledTime.getSeconds() + 30);
const actionStartSession: NotificationAction = {
id: 'startSession',
type: 'button',
title: 'Restart App',
launch: true,
choices: ['Restart']
// Check if we have permission on iOS
LocalNotifications.hasPermission().then(granted => {
if (granted) {
console.log('We have permission to schedule notifications.');
} else {
LocalNotifications.requestPermission().then(granted => {
alert(`This app needs permission to schedule notifications. Please go to iOS settings > hmapp > Notifications, and allow notifications.`);
id: new Date().getTime(),
title: 'App restart required',
body: 'Tap to reopen the application',
at: scheduledTime,
actions: [actionStartSession]
() => {
console.log('Notification scheduled');
error => {
console.log('Scheduling error: ' + error);