I've got a weird one, I've been scratching my head for a while
I have a property on one of my classes using provider I can access and modify just fine except for this particular scenario:
I add a product to the _products list
At this point product is a class with the following properties
name String;
id String;
ingredients List<String>;
let's say for example product is
final product = Product(name:'milk', id:1, ingredients:['milk']);
This element gets added to the List and I can see in debugging that now _products is indeed a list with 1 item inside and all properties are correct
Once it notifies listeners they get the new value of _products and I can see that they receive the new value just fine except that for some odd reason the ingredients list is empty!
[ Product(name:'milk', id:1, ingredients:[]) ] // _products for representation purposes
I just verified the value of _products before notifying and it had the ingredients property correctly then right after notifying, that property becomes an empty list The other 2 properties id and name are updated correctly
I have checked very thoroughly and I have no code to modify _products else where
Sorry all, this wasn't a problem regarding provider at all
What happened is that when I was assigning the product to the products list, the list of ingredients was a reference which was cleared by the controller after using it, so in code it was something like this:
List<String> ingredients = [];
void onAddIngredient(){
void onSubmit(){
final myNewProduct = Product(
name: nameController.text,
id: idController.text,
providerAction(myNewProduct); // This is where it gets added to _products
ingredients.clear(); // This was the problem where I was deleting the reference