Search code examples

.htaccess deny folder access except IP range

I know I could put a separate .htaccess inside that folder (wp-admin), however, I'm wondering if I could do this with a rule in the main .htaccess file of the site.

And also do this for other folders also in one directive. (wp-includes, wp-content)

For instance, if I wanted to block access to the wp-admin folder on a WP site, one thing I found was this, but not sure if it's correct:

<Files wp-admin$>
Order Deny,Allow

Deny from All
Allow From



  • With Files directive you can only match specific files not folders. You need to use mod-rewrite for this

    RewriteEngine On
    #If not Allowed IP address
    RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} !^47\.255\.0\.0/16$
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (wp-admin|wp-includes|wp-content) [NC]
    #deny access
    RewriteRule ^ - [F,L]