So I drew a simple function in prolog that counts how many of a variable are in a matrix.
And it goes like this :
countOccurrences([X|T], Y, Z):-
countOccur(X, Y, N),
Acc #=N + Z,
countOccurrences(T, Y, Acc).
countOccur([X|T],X,Y):- countOccur(T,X,Z), Y is 1+Z.
countOccur([X1|T],X,Z):- X1\=X,countOccur(T,X,Z).
countOccur seems to be working fine and returns the right value. The problem is countOccurences is returning the right absolute value but negative. I Just dont seem to understand why that is happening.
Can someone enlighten me ?
An input of [[a,a,a,a]]
looking for a
does countOccurrences of a
in []
and sets Acc = 0
and then countOccur of a
in [a,a,a,a]
sets N=4
then Acc #= N + Z
becomes 0 #= 4 + Z
and so the result must be Z = -4