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Assign route dynamically Node/Express

I need dynamically assign a new route but it for some reason refuses to work. When I send a request in the Postman it just keeps waiting for a response

The whole picture of what I am doing is the following:

I've got a controller with a decorator on one of its methods

export class Test {

        endpoint: '/product/test',
        method: 'post',
    async testMe() {

        return {
            type: 'hi'

export function RESTful({ endpoint, method, version }: { endpoint: string, version?: string, method: HTTPMethodTypes }) {

    return function (target: any, propertyKey: string, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor): void {
        const originalMethod = descriptor.value

        Reflect.defineMetadata(propertyKey, {
        }, target)

        return originalMethod

export function Controller() {

    return function (constructor: any) {
        const methods = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(constructor.prototype)

        for (let action of methods) {

            const route: RESTfulRoute = Reflect.getMetadata(action, constructor.prototype)

            if (route) {

                const version: string = route.version ? `/${route.version}` : '/v1'

                Container.get(Express).injectRoute((instance: Application) => {
                    instance[route.method](`/api${version}${route.endpoint}`, async () => {
                        return await Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(constructor, route.propertyKey)
                        // return await constructor.prototype[route.propertyKey](req, res)

Is it possible to dynamically set the route in the way? I mainly use GraphQL but sometimes I need RESTful API too. So, I want to solve this by that decorator


  • In order for the response to finish, there must be a res.end() or res.json(...) or similar. But I cannot see that anywhere in your code.