In a PostgreSQL 12.7 database I have table with a JSONB field. Table has million rows. table1
is like:
id | value
-- | --------------------------------------
1 | {"1001": "coke", "1002": "soda"}
2 | {"2001": "fanta", "1001": "coke"}
3 | {"3001": "beer", "2001": "fanta"}
Whenever, I need to remove items 1001, I have query like:
Query 1:
UPDATE table1 set value = value - '1001'
Query 2:
UPDATE table1 set value = value - '1001' WHERE value ? '1001'
Query 2 takes about 2 seconds and Query 1 takes around 20 seconds. I am looking way improve update speed somewhere quarter of seconds.
Support query 2 with an index. Like:
CREATE INDEX ON table1 USING gin (value);
The default GIN operator class for jsonb
supports the ?
While only few rows are affected, that should be very effective. If a major percentage of all rows is changed, indexes cannot help (would actually add cost).