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firebase_storage/unauthenticated User is unauthenticated. Authenticate and try again error even in the release build

I'm using firebase_storage and firebase_app_check. I get the error in the following code.

await FirebaseAuth.instance.signInWithEmailAndPassword(email: '[email protected]', password: '********');

[firebase_storage/unauthenticated] User is unauthenticated. Authenticate and try again.

I've added the debug secret token to the console and the debug version of the app works fine, however, if I run the release version of the app on a physical Android device I get the error. Why is that so?

AppCheck Settings:

enter image description here

Project Settings

I've uploaded both debug and release certificates on the Firebase Project Settings page.

enter image description here


  • One more time thanks to the Docs for not providing enough information.

    For release mode, in my build.gradle(app):

    implementation ''

    I also need to add in my

    FirebaseAppCheck firebaseAppCheck = FirebaseAppCheck.getInstance();