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Reading variable value in AHK v1

I want AHK to do something, ONLY if a particular variable has a particular value.


MsgBox,4,Timer,Do you want to set a timer?
IfMsgBox Yes
InputBox,Time1 , Timer, What hour? (Please show in 24:00 format)
InputBox,Time2,Timer, What minute?
IfTime1 := A_Hour, Time2 := A_Min
MsgBox,64,Timer,Timer done.

If you don't understand what I am trying to do, I'm trying to set a timer. What I want:
When I press Ctrl+Alt+/, I want a msgbox to open, asking to set a timer or not.
If I click on Yes, I want two InputBoxes to open one by one, in which I will write the time.
Next, when I am done setting the time, the InputBox will close. Now, The time in the InputBoxes will write to two variables named time and time2. Then, if time is same as A_Hour and time2 is same as A_Min, a MsgBox will show up with an info 🛈 icon.
What happens: After setting the time, the MsgBox with an info icon immediately shows up.

Can anyone correct the code above and send an answer? Thanks.

Edit:- This question gives you and me a lot of cringe. How did I not know about the and operator? Who knows! How did I not know about the = comparison operator? Who knows! How did I not know about a while true loop basically acting as a forever loop? Same thing, Who knows! At least now I do… Really sorry for that.


  • <^<!/::
        MsgBox,4,Timer,Do you want to set a timer?
        IfMsgBox Yes
            InputBox, Time1, hour, What hour? (Please show in 24:00 format)
            if ErrorLevel ; CANCEL was pressed
            if (Time1 > 23)
                MsgBox, wrong hour specification
            InputBox,Time2, minute, What minute?
            if ErrorLevel
            if (Time2 > 59)
                MsgBox, wrong minute specification
            SetTimer, Timer, 1000 
        if (A_Hour = Time1 && A_Min = Time2)
            SetTimer, Timer, off
            MsgBox,64,Timer,Timer done.