I'm trying to add prefix with a condition using 'from' x table then using where to specify the id
For example:
UPDATE tablenameX
SET columnnameX = 'prefix' + columnnameX
FROM tablenameY
WHERE columnnameY = 'id'
I really don't see wheres the issue it refuses to read after columnnameX
, what I mean by that is it would execute with no issue, however it ignores the argument I'm trying to use and it applies to every column entry.
I've used a lot of this type of simplistic SQL commands with no issue, I have no idea how to fix it nor do I have the knowledge how to build something that's more complex in nature - I'm a newbie so bear with me.
I'm not sure what the join criteria are because you haven't told us how X and Y are related, but a correlated join looks like this:
SET x.columnnameX = 'prefix' + x.columnnameX
FROM dbo.tablenameX AS x
INNER JOIN dbo.tablenameY AS y
ON y.< ??? something ??? > = x.< ??? something ???>
WHERE y.columnnameY = 'id';
Or like this:
SET x.columnnameX = 'prefix' + x.columnnameX
FROM dbo.tablenameX AS x
SELECT 1 FROM dbo.tablenameY AS y
WHERE columnnameY = 'id'
AND y.< ??? something ??? > = x.< ??? something ???>