in my cypress script i'm importing files as i'm doing page object models like this
import { LoginPage } from '../../page-objects/admin/login-page/LoginPage'
import {Common} from '../../page-objects/common/Common'
But my test fail on gitlab as it tries to import from another directory
Error: Can't walk dependency graph: Cannot find module '../../page-objects/common/Common' from '/builds/user/project_name/cypress/integration/landing-page/login.js'
required by /builds/user/project_name/cypress/integration/landing-page/login.js
My test is running smoothly on local but not on gitlabci
For more info here's my project architecture :
See import statements are case-insensitive on Mac and Windows but case-sensitive on Linux.
Since Gitlab is running linux, try matching the file name exactly
import {Common} from '../../page-objects/common/common'