I have this API setup in Express but I cannot figure out how to correctly prepare the language filter with the IN statement using SQLite3 in node.js.
The first query applies the language filter correctly. I get the correct results but this could pose a sql injection risk.
The second query finds no results because of the language filter.
How do I correctly setup the db.prepare statement to accept both words, and language?
app.post('/api/languages/:language/getTextWords', (req, res) => {
let words = req.body.map(word => word.toLowerCase())
let wordMap = words.map(() => "?").join(',')
let language = req.params.language.toLowerCase();
// the language filter is applied correctly I get results but the statement is not fully prepared
// let query = db.prepare(`SELECT * FROM words WHERE word IN (${wordMap}) AND language = '${language}'`, words)
// no results are found because of the language filter
let query = db.prepare(`SELECT * FROM words WHERE word IN (${wordMap}) AND language = '?'`, words, language)
query.all((err, rows) => {
if (err) {
throw err;
if (!rows) {
if (rows) {
Here is a screenshot of the DB table in question: words table
pass values as an array:
let query = db.prepare(`SELECT * FROM words WHERE word IN (${wordMap}) AND language = ?`, [...words, language]);