I'm trying to extract information on the top level assignments of my python code with ast, but am not too familiar with how to effectively parse it.
For example
import some_module
a = 1
b = some_module.load_number("some_path")
def plus(a,b):
return a + b
c = plus(a,b)
I would like to be able to extract from this, a list of assignment expressions with data like the following:
'targets' : 'a',
'type' : 'static_value',
'value' : 1
'targets' : 'b',
'type' : 'function',
'value' : 'some_module.load_number'
'inputs' : ['some_path']
'targets' : 'c',
'type' : 'function',
'value' : 'plus'
'inputs' : ['var.a', 'var.b']
I care only about assignments. My current approach would work something like this.
import ast
with open("test_code.py", "rb") as f:
content = f.read()
code = ast.parse(content)
results = []
def parse_assignment(node):
targets = [x.id for x in node.targets] #extract variables names being assigned to
### Extract assigned values for primitives; only str shown for brevity
if isinstance(node.value, ast.Str):
values = [node.value.s]
type = 'str'
### Function call version
elif isinstance(node.value, ast.Call):
values = [node.value.func.value.id],
type = ['function']
return {'targets' : targets, 'values' : values, 'types' : types}
for node in ast.walk(code):
if isinstance(node, ast.Assign):
results = results + parse_assignment(node)
I have two problems with the approach shown here:
I do not think ast.walk
is a good idea here as it seems to be recursive and may pick up assignments within a function definition or something. I want only top level assignments.
The way I'm parsing the function names seems to be incorrect. In this example I want to parse out some_module.load_number
but I instead get some_module
. How can I get the full function name from an ast.Call object?
Instead of ast.walk
, just iterate over code.body
and pick out the Assign
As for the function name, the Call
value has a func
attribute whose value is an Attribute
node, whose value
is the module name and whose attr
is the attribute that actually references the function.
>>> >>> call = code.body[2].value.func
>>> f'{call.value.id}.{call.attr}'
Note that in general, the func
attribute of a Call
node could be an arbitrary expression whose run-time value is a callable.