I am using cucumber with java. When i am trying to pass value from Example block steps are not binding with the step definitions. Throwing steps undefined step reference error on feature file.
Feature File code:
Scenario Outline: Verify "Create your account" button on the Profile screen for Guest user
Given I launched the app
When I skip the On-boarding flow
And I tap on continue with free lessons button
And I tap on Profile tab
Then the output should be <output>
Then I should be able to see <text> on profile screen
And I enter Username as <username> and Password as <username>
And I tap create your account button on profile screen
Then I should redirected to Create your account screen
| text | output | username | pwd |
|Register now| 5000 | sam | willis |
Step Definition code that i tried:
@Then("I should be able to see {string} on profile screen")
public void i_should_be_able_to_see_register_now_to_save_your_xp_and_access_your_full_profile_on_profile_screen(String text) {
profile = new Profile();
@Then("I should be able to see <text> on profile screen")
public void iShouldBeAbleToSeeTextOnProfileScreen(String output) {
profile = new Profile();
@When("^I enter Username as \"([^\"]*)\" and Password as \"([^\"]*)\"$")
public void I_enter_Username_as_and_Password_as(String arg1, String arg2) {
@And("I enter Username as <username> and Password as <username>")
public void iEnterUsernameAsUsernameAndPasswordAsUsername() {
Any help would be appreciated.
Step definition image:
Your program is Throwing steps undefined step reference error on feature file as you have duplicate column headers with text as username.
| text | output | username | username |
You may like to change it as:
| text | output | username | password |