I'm new in Robot Framework, and now get stuck while using DataDriver library in my robot script.
My problem: There is a message : "Variable '${username1}' not found." while I run the robot script and the test was FAIL.
My script:
*** Test Cases ***
Login with user ${username} and password ${password} xyc 123456
*** Keywords ***
Validate Unsuccessful Login
[Arguments] ${username1} ${password1}
open the browser with the Mortgage payment url
Fill the login Form ${username1} ${password1}
wait until it checks and display error message
verify error message is correct
Fill the login Form
[Arguments] ${username1} ${password1}
input text id:username ${username1}
input password id:password ${password1}
select checkbox id:terms
click button signInBtn
testDemo5 :: To validate the login form
Invalidusername,nina,learning | FAIL |
Variable '${username1}' not found.
Invalidpassword,rahulshetty,nina | FAIL |
Variable '${username1}' not found.
Specialcharacter,@#$##,uqyuyw | FAIL |
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
The error Variable '${username1}' not found.
could be caused by one or more of the following reasons:
It looks like issue 3 is definately the case in your code so you would need to change your Validate Unsuccessful Login
to the following:
Validate Unsuccessful Login
[Arguments] ${username} ${password}
open the browser with the Mortgage payment url
Fill the login Form ${username} ${password}
wait until it checks and display error message
verify error message is correct
Then inspect your csv file
This style is valid:
*** Test Cases ***;${username};${password};[Tags];[Documentation]
This style causes the error:
*** Test Cases ***,${username},${password},[Tags],[Documentation]
And this also cause the error:
*** Test Cases ***; ${username}; ${password}; [Tags]; [Documentation]