I need to fill the slot value of intent depending on some conditions. I referred to the following documentation. https://developer.amazon.com/en-US/docs/alexa/custom-skills/delegate-dialog-to-alexa.html#node_delegate_default_values_example
In this document, they do something like this.
// fromCity.value is empty if the user has not filled the slot. In this example,
// getUserDefaultCity() retrieves the user's default city from persistent storage.
if (!fromCity.value) {
currentIntent.slots.fromCity.value = getUserDefaultCity();
Similarly, I want to know to do this using the python ASK SDK. also how to return something similar to this?
// Return the Dialog.Delegate directive
return handlerInput.responseBuilder
thanks in advance!!
I finally found the solution for this.
from ask_sdk_model.dialog import delegate_directive
updateIntent = {
'name' : intent_name,
'confirmation_status' : 'NONE',
'slots' : handler_input.request_envelope.request.intent.slots
return handler_input.response_builder.add_directive(delegate_directive.DelegateDirective(updated_intent = updateIntent)).response