I have used the same struct for inline and nested in the main struct with omitempty tag. Since I'm not assigning any values in the keys I get the empty struct in JSON. Can anyone help me in this case?
package main
import (
type Customer struct {
Name string `json:"name,omitempty" bson:"name"`
Gender string `json:"gender,omitempty" bson:"gender"`
Address `json:",inline" bson:",inline" `
OptionalAddresses []Address `json:"optionalAddresses,omitempty" bson:"optionalAddresses"`
type Address struct {
Country string `json:"country,omitempty" bson:"country"`
ZoneDetail Zone `json:"zone,omitempty" bson:"zone"`
type Zone struct {
Latitude float64 `json:"lat,omitempty" bson:"lat,omitempty"`
Longitude float64 `json:"lon,omitempty" bson:"lon,omitempty"`
func main() {
cust := Customer{Name: "abc", Gender: "M"}
dataByt, _ := json.Marshal(cust)
'omitempty' is omit a field if the field value is empty. But in Golang we do not have empty value for struct and you can use pointer to struct (in your case *Zone) instead.
type Address struct {
Country string `json:"country,omitempty" bson:"country"`
ZoneDetail *Zone `json:"zone,omitempty" bson:"zone"`