I need to ask user in unix shell script to enter input to proceed further in a code block. Need to display 'Hi' only when user enters Y (case sensitive) otherwise just display 'Bye'. 'Bye' should be displayed when user hits enter key on keyboard or when he wont enter any input.
Also, please note that, I need to show either of echo messages based on user input and finally reach 'Proceeding to next line of code' code as well.
I am getting below error for else condition when user hits enter key
[: ==: unary operator expected
echo 'Do you want to proceed?'
read i
if [ $i == 'Y' ]
echo 'Hi'
echo 'Bye'
echo 'Proceeding to next line of code'
Just add double quotes in your variable:
echo 'Do you want to proceed?'
read i
if [ "$i" == 'Y' ]
echo 'Hi'
echo 'Bye'
echo 'Proceeding to next line of code'