If I have 3 types of coins (one, two, and five). I have different amounts of each coin. How can I get all combinations equal to a certain target?
For example:
one = [1, 1, 1] # 3 coins of 1
two = [2, 2] # 2 coins of 2
five = [5, 5, 5] # 3 coins of 5
target = 10
Using this code:
s = set()
one = 3
two = 2
five = 5
for c in combinations_with_replacement((0,1,1,1,2,2,5,5,5), 8):
if sum(c) == target:
for c in s:
if c.count(1) <= one and c.count(2) <= two and c.count(5) <= five:
print(f"{c.count(1)} * one + {c.count(2)} * two + {c.count(5)}* five = 10")
Gave these combinations with sum of target:
3 * one + 1 * two + 1 * five = 10
0 * one + 0 * two + 2 * five = 10
1 * one + 2 * two + 1 * five = 10
However, I don't feel this is the best approach, how can this be solved in a more elegant way?
The question is for using itertools
, collections
, or other modules to simplify that task.
No nested for
You can use a list comprehension to kind of hide the fact, by you really do need to use nested for
loops to solve this in a general way (to avoid potentially having to hardcode a very large number non-nested ones):
from itertools import chain, combinations
ones = [1, 1, 1] # 3 coins of value 1
twos = [2, 2] # 2 coins of value 2
fives = [5, 5, 5] # 3 coins of value 5
all_coins = ones + twos + fives
target = 10
combos = set()
for combo in chain.from_iterable(combinations(all_coins, length)
for length in range(1, len(all_coins)+1)):
if sum(combo) == target:
You could print the results in a more readable way by adding a helper function:
from itertools import groupby
denomination = {1: 'ones', 2: 'twos', 5: 'fives'} # Names of values.
def ppcombo(combo):
""" Pretty-print a combination of values. """
groups, uniquekeys = [], []
combo = sorted(combo)
for key, group in groupby(combo):
counts = {key: len(group) for key, group in zip(uniquekeys, groups)}
print(' + '.join(f'{count}*{denomination[value]}' for value, count in counts.items()))
print('combos:', combos)
for combo in combos:
Sample output:
combos: {(1, 2, 2, 5), (5, 5), (1, 1, 1, 2, 5)}
1*ones + 2*twos + 1*fives
3*ones + 1*twos + 1*fives