I've implemented a Spring Data JPA+Envers repository which works fine, according to what I've been monitoring into the database.
public class ToDoApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(ToDoCloneApplication.class, args);
@Entity @Table(name = "Todos")
@Audited(withModifiedFlag = true)
public class Todo {
@Id @GeneratedValue
private Long id;
private RevisionMetadata<Integer> metadata; // not sure of what it's worth, always null anyway
public interface TodosRepository extends JpaRepository<Todo, Long>, RevisionRepository<Todo, Long, Integer> {
But I can't manage to retrieve revision informations in my test:
class TodoDomainTests {
private TodosRepository dao;
void tasksPersistence() {
Todo todo = new Todo(...);
todo = dao.save(todo);
todo.setContent("Oups! Program shift, everybody...");
todo = dao.saveAndFlush(todo);
// todo = dao.getById(todo.getId());
assertFalse(dao.findRevisions(todo.getId()).isEmpty()); // TEST FAILURE
.forEach(id -> dao.findRevisions(id)
.forEach(rv -> log.info("AVAILABLE REVISION: {} for {}", rv.getMetadata(), rv.getEntity())));
I can't find if this is strutural or just a testing environment problem. I will take any advice :-)
Well... Apparently just a test issue: @SpringBootTest solved it :-(
metadata is still null, though