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TypeOrm Do I need to useTransaction when updating an entity with multiple one to many relations

I have a Company class with the following definition:

export class Company extends BaseEntity {
  @Field((type) => ID) // needed to overwrite the number typ
  id: number;

  name: string;

  domain: string;

  @OneToMany(() => User, (user) =>, {
    onDelete: 'SET NULL',
  users: User[];

  @OneToMany(() => Deal, (deal) =>
  deals: Deal[];

and when updating a company, the update company dto would contain both a list of dealIds as well as userIds to add to the existing relations. Here is my update method:

async update(id: number, updateCompanyInput: UpdateCompanyInput) {
    console.log(`This action updates a #${id} company`);
    const queryRunner = this.connection.createQueryRunner();
    await queryRunner.connect();

    const company = await queryRunner.manager.preload(Company, {
    await queryRunner.manager
      .relation(Company, 'users')

    await queryRunner.manager
      .relation(Company, 'deals')

    const result =;
    await queryRunner.release();
    return result;

I am wondering:

  1. Do I need to use a transaction (
  2. Do I need to call queryRunner.release() after or the order can be more flexible?


  • You do not need to use a transaction. You should use a transaction if and only if you want to undo the added Company, 'users' relation when something goes wrong adding the Company, 'deals' relation. Transactions are just a way of making the queries within it atomic (ie all occur or none occur).

    As far as query runner releasing - I'm not sure. I haven't used query runner at all. I'm not sure why you are, actually, so maybe this is a bad answer? I use getRepository for everything. ie either getRepository(Company).createQueryBuilder('company')


    getRepository(Company).find('primary key value')

    should both work, assuming you create the connection on server startup.