I'm trying to create a script to compile an Windows Forms C# 2.0 project from the command line (I know, I know.. I'm reinventing the wheel.. again.. but if somebody knows the answer, I'd appreciate it).
The project is a standard Windows Forms project that has some resources and references a couple external assemblies. Here is a list of the files:
Program.cs // no need to expand on this on :) frmMain.cs // this is a typical C# windows forms file frmMain.designer.cs // .. and the designer code frmMain.resx // .. and the resource file MyClasses.cs // this contains a couple classes Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs // the Properties folder -- again pretty standard Properties\Resources.Designer.cs Properties\Resources.resz Properties\Settings.Designer.cs Properties\Settings.settings References\AnAssembly.dll // an assmebly that I reference from this application
So far I've identified the following programs/tools that I would need:
csc.exe // the C# compiler al.exe // the assembly linker resgen.exe // the resource compiler
And this is my script so far:
@echo off set OUT=Out set AL=C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\al.exe set RESGEN="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\SDK\v2.0\Bin\resgen.exe" set COMPILER=C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\csc.exe echo. echo Compiler: %COMPILER% echo. if "%1"=="/help" goto help :start echo Starting... set REFERENCES=.\References\AReferencedll set SRCFILES=Program.cs frmMain.cs frmMain.designer.cs MyClasses.cs Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs Properties\Resources.Designer.cs Properties\Settings.Designer.cs del /Q %OUT%\* %RESGEN% /compile frmMain.resx,%OUT%\frmMain.resources cd Properties %RESGEN% /compile Resources.resx,..\%OUT%\Resources.resources cd .. %COMPILER% /target:module /out:%OUT%\app.module %SRCFILES% /reference:%REFERENCES% %AL% %OUT%\app.module /embed:%OUT%\frmMain.resources /target:winexe /out:%OUT%\app.exe /main:App.Program.Main goto done :error echo Ooooops! :done echo Done!!
In the end, no matter how I spin it I get different errors from the linker, or the final executable will just not run - it crashes.
Please help (MSDN didn't help too much..)!
I like to cheat for these kinds of things. Take a working project and run the following command on it
msbuild Project.csproj /t:rebuild /clp:ShowCommandLine
The output of that will show you the command msbuild uses to compile the project, which you can then take and modify as you like.