I am trying to call the (new) alpha GA Admin API for the simple task of listing all the Accounts that I have access to... I am at a stage where I call the API but I do not get any error message nor I see the information on the google sheet. Can you please help?
function listGA4Accounts() {
var sheet = _setupListGA4AccountsSheet();
var accounts = AnalyticsAdmin.Accounts.list();
if (accounts.items && accounts.items.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < accounts.items.length; i++) {
var account = accounts.items[i];
var rowNum = i+2;
sheet.getRange("A" + rowNum).setNumberFormat('@')
sheet.getRange("B" + rowNum)
sheet.getRange("C" + rowNum)
The above was adapted from the old code being used for Universal Analytics/GA3 and used to work just fine. What I am missing? I also have a standard GCP project in place and the API is enabled for that GCP project.
Any help/thoughts on the above are highly appreciated.
You have been quite close to the solution.
TIPS for debugging the API response:
Logger.log(JSON.stringify(<API RESPONSE>))
Following things that I changed:
var sheet = _setupListGA4AccountsSheet();
(was not relevant for testing the API response)<variable name>.accounts.item
Here is the code that can be copied as-is to App Script editor and can be tested:
function listGA4Accounts() {
var accounts = AnalyticsAdmin.Accounts.list();
if (accounts && !accounts.error) {
accounts = accounts.accounts; // <== this is why it didn't work is a nested JSON
for (var i = 0, account; account = accounts[i]; i++) {
* PLACE your code here