Would functionality similar to this be possible:
let Item = mongoose.model('Item')
let updatedItems = [updatedItem1, updatedItem2]
let updatedItemIds = [updatedItem1._id, updatedItem2._id]
Item.updateMany({_id: {$in: updatedItemIds }}, updatedItems) // this wont work
Which would be similar to:
updatedItems.forEach( item => {
Item.updateOne({_id: item._id}, item)
I am trying to avoid calling the server multiple times and I know there is a bulkWrite option and I could do something like this:
bulk = []
updatedItems.forEach( item => {
let updateDoc = {
'updateOne': {
'filter': { '_id': item._id },
'update': item,
'upsert': false
But this feels inefficient since it seems like it will need to load each custom query, although I am not knowledgeable on bulkWrite under the hood. I just wanted to ask if bulkWrite is only option here.
EDIT: I know the first query above will not work, but it is to show what functionality I am looking for - pass in updated objects into Mongoose and for those objects to be matched to their respective documents and updated.
As of writing, bulk write is only way of dynamically updating multiple documents at once in Mongoose (unique update for each document within one query). A complex Mongo aggregate could also accomplish updating each document differently in one query, but its performance would suffer per filter or conditional check you add in the aggregate.
I found performance of bulk write to be better than multiple Mongoose updates:
bulk = []
updatedItems.forEach( item => {
let updateDoc = {
'updateOne': {
'filter': { '_id': item._id },
'update': item,
'upsert': false