In VBA, if I understand correctly, emptiness means that a variant has not been initialized, i.e., it is the default value of a variant before an assignment.
There appear to be four ways to test if a variant is empty:
IsEmpty(var) = True
VarType(var) = vbEmpty
TypeName(var) = "Empty"
var = Empty
What I want to know is if those methods are completely equivalent, or if there are subtle (or stark) differences.
It seems that they ought to be equivalent, but I was surprised to find that Microsoft's documentation on IsEmpty, on vbEmpty
(1, 2), and on TypeName
make no reference to each other, which I thought they would if they are equivalent.
I found two references that seem to imply the first three are the same in VBscript (where everything is a variant): CodeWiki, Herong.
It seems that there are situations that are specific to Excel. It appears that emptiness in Excel also refers to a cell not containing anything, which I suppose is equivalent to the variable representing that cell not being initiated. But the website "Decision Models" says that emptiness also refers to whether a cell value is up to date ("a calculated parameter is Empty if it references uncalculated cells"). But that page says in one place to test for that using vbEmpty
and in other places says to use IsEmpty
I found two StackOverflow questions that discuss the relationship of IsEmpty
and Empty
(1, 2), but not on the other two methods.
It also seems that there might be subtle differences when applied to arrays.
I found the following code snippet on GitHub, which implies that if VarType(Obj) = vbEmpty
, the value of IsEmpty(Obj)
may still be either true or false:
Select Case VarType(Obj)
Case vbNull
json_toString = "null"
Case vbEmpty
'dkottow check if the cell is empty to evtl. convert to null
If IsEmpty(Obj) Then
json_toString = "null"
json_toString = """"""
End If
So, pretty confusing.
To summarize, my question is, in VBA, are the following equivalent, or what are the differences in their meanings?
IsEmpty(var) = True
VarType(var) = vbEmpty
TypeName(var) = "Empty"
var = Empty
All of the below is applicable to VBA regardless of the host application (Excel, Word, AutoCAD etc.) as well as VB6 and prior VB versions. It just happens that Excel works well with Variants but the below hold true regardless.
Behind the scene a Variant is a structure (tagged union) and can be used to represent any other data type in VB and a couple of special values.
The layout is:
When running VarType
on a Variant the result is those 2 first bytes although they are returned as Long
which is 4 bytes but since VBA's memory layout is little-endian then first 2 bytes in a Long perfectly overlap with the 2 bytes in an Integer.
We can use the CopyMemory
API to demonstrate the above:
Option Explicit
#If Mac Then
#If VBA7 Then
Public Declare PtrSafe Function CopyMemory Lib "/usr/lib/libc.dylib" Alias "memmove" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As LongPtr) As LongPtr
Public Declare Function CopyMemory Lib "/usr/lib/libc.dylib" Alias "memmove" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long) As Long
#End If
#Else 'Windows
#If VBA7 Then
Public Declare PtrSafe Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As LongPtr)
Public Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
#End If
#End If
Sub TestVariantVT()
Dim v As Variant
Dim vt As Integer
CopyMemory vt, v, 2
Debug.Assert vt = VarType(v) 'vbEmpty
v = CInt(2)
CopyMemory vt, v, 2
Debug.Assert vt = VarType(v) 'vbInteger
v = CLng(2)
CopyMemory vt, v, 2
Debug.Assert vt = VarType(v) 'vbLong
v = CDbl(2)
CopyMemory vt, v, 2
Debug.Assert vt = VarType(v) 'vbDouble
End Sub
The VARTYPE holds the data type but can also have the VT_BYREF flag set which means that the Variant is passed by reference (as an argument) to the current method which helps VB know what memory needs to be deallocated and which does not, when the method exits scope. VarType
does not return the VT_BYREF flag but this is outside of the question scope. There is also a separate VT_ARRAY flag (as in vbArray
) which can be used in combination with other flags to describe the contents of an array e.g. an array of integers will have the vbArray
(VT_ARRAY) and the vbInteger
(VT_I2) flags set (as in vbArray + vbInteger).
Unrelated to the question but related with the above, the VT_BYREF flag can be used to manipulate memory as seen in my VBA-MemoryTools repository.
This is quite easy to understand once you've read the above. The IsEmpty
function simply checks if the VARTYPE (first 2 bytes) of the Variant is vbEmpty
(which is 0).
So yes, the 2 conditions VarType(var) = vbEmpty
and IsEmpty(var) = True
are always equivalent.
I need to draw attention that most people don't use the IsEmpty(var) = True
syntax because IsEmpty
already returns a boolean. I, at least will never write something like If IsEmpty(var) = True Then
but instead will always write If IsEmpty(var) Then
. The latter is cleaner.
A few notes. You may be wondering what happens when we pass a non-Variant to the VarType function. Well, the VarName
argument is of type Variant and so if you pass a non-Variant it actually gets wrapped in a Variant. Inspecting the VBE7.dll reveals this: VbVarType _stdcall VarType([in] VARIANT* VarName);
Note the remark on the link above:
If an object is passed and has a default property, VarType(object) returns the type of the object's default property.
This means that to check for objects you need to use IsObject
which checks if the VARTYPE bytes are set to vbObject
. In this particular case (objects) the two VarType(var) = vbObject
and IsObject(var)
are not always equivalent.
However, the above remark does not influence the equivalence of VarType(var) = vbEmpty
and IsEmpty(var)
because the latter will also check an object's default member.
In VB*, Empty
is just a keyword but is the equivalent of a Variant with the first 2 bytes set to vbEmpty
. It's there for convenience in the same way Null
is (Variant with first 2 bytes set to vbNull
Hence, comparing a Variant with Empty
is like comparing 2 Variants. When comparing 2 Variants, there are some special rules that apply. Stated here:
If expression1 and expression2 are both Variant expressions, their underlying type determines how they are compared. The following table shows how the expressions are compared or the result from the comparison, depending on the underlying type of the Variant.
If Then Both Variant expressions are numeric Perform a numeric comparison. Both Variant expressions are strings Perform a string comparison. One Variant expression is numeric and the other is a string The numeric expression is less than the string expression. One Variant expression is Empty and the other is numeric Perform a numeric comparison, using 0 as the Empty expression. One Variant expression is Empty and the other is a string Perform a string comparison, using a zero-length string ("") as the Empty expression. Both Variant expressions are Empty The expressions are equal.
So, var = Empty
is NOT the equivalent of VarType(var) = vbEmpty
. Quick example: if var
is an empty string ("") or a null string (vbNullString) then var = Empty
returns True
while VarType(var) = vbEmpty
and IsEmpty(var)
both return False
TypeName is quite different as it returns a String
It is quite useful when used with objects. For example if var
is a Collection then VarType(var)
returns vbObject
while TypeName(var)
returns Collection
. So, TypeName
offers some more information. Same with arrays: TypeName(Array())
returns Variant()
but depending on the array type it can return Integer()
or Double()
and so on.
That's why you are seeing Range
when your parameter is an Excel.Range wrapped in a Variant. The actual VARTYPE is vbObject
but TypeName
goes a step further and checks the type of the object.
I think in your Excel example you are actually interested in the Range.Value
property. If var
is a Range then TypeName(var.Value) = "Empty"
is just by coincidence equivalent with IsEmpty(var.Value)
but only because the .Value
property never returns an object but if it did then they would not be equivalent anymore. However, TypeName(var)
will never be equivalent with IsEmpty(var)
if var
is an object.
Note that TypeName
does not look at the default member of an object.
VarType(var) = vbEmpty
is always the equivalent of IsEmpty(var)
.var = Empty
follows the rules of comparing two variants and so is not equivalent with the 2 above.TypeName(var) = "Empty"
is only equivalent with VarType(var) = vbEmpty
if var
is NOT an object.IsMissing
Just to clarify, because you've shown it in your own answer, if a variant has the vbError
type (first 2 bytes VT_ERROR) and the SCODE member (bytes 9 to 12) set to DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND (0x80020004) then VB* sees it as the special Missing
The following code returns the special Missing value:
Public Function Missing() As Variant
Missing = &H80020004 'Sets bytes 9 to 12
CopyMemory Missing, vbError, 2 'Sets first 2 bytes
End Function