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flatpickr via rails importmap not being generated

Attempting to use flatpickr as a UI for setting a date field with Rails 7.0.1 and ruby 3.1. When clicking on the input field, the expected 2 months of calendars is not rendered & in fact, nothing is registered in the browser network tab.

After bin/importmap pin flatpickr rails pinned the library to the cdn in the importmap.rb file:

pin "flatpickr", to: ""

application.js has the initially generated import "controllers".

flatpickr_controller.rb was created in the javascript/controllers directory with

import { Controller } from "@hotwired/stimulus"
import flatpickr from "flatpickr"

export default class extends Controller {
  connect() {
    this.config = {
      enableTime: false,
      dateFormat: 'Y-m-d',

The view partial invokes:

<%= form_with model: promo do |f| %>
  <%= f.text_field :date_from, placeholder: t(".select"), data: { controller:  "flatpickr" } %>
<% end %>

while the controller sets

    @promos = Promo.up_comings(60)
    @promo =
    @next_promo =
    @dates_to_disable = @promos.pluck(:date_from)

Why is the calendar not rendering?
I am also confused as to where to place the different flatpickr options: in the controller, or straight into the form date element.


  • The issue is related to support for Stimulus 3. Pin as follows:
    bin/importmap pin stimulus-flatpickr@beta

    Also reference some css source, such as to the latest version
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
    otherwise the input field will be deemed as readonly...