I created some custom shortcodes for my PrestaShop by creating a file (override/classes/controller/FrontController.php) with a method like :
public static function parseCMSContent($content)
And in my module and cms smarty templates I changed:
{$cms.content nofilter}
{FrontController::parseCMSContent($cms.content) nofilter}
Everything was working fine with Prestashop, but the update to broke the whole thing.
I get a 500 error saying :
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method FrontController::parseCMSContent() ... .module.pscustomtextpscustomtext. ...
It's still working fine with debug mode enabled though..
I can't find anything about the function being deprecated, any idea on how I could get this working again please?
In case this can help anyone, I fixed this by moving my override into a new smarty plugin.
I created a file vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/plugins/function.get_shortcoded_content.php
I added my shortcodes in:
function smarty_function_get_shortcoded_content($params, &$smarty)
And in my smarty files I called:
{get_shortcoded_content content=$cms.content}
instead of:
{$cms.content nofilter}
It seems to work all fine again.