Using fpdf to create my document, it works perfectly but for one thing. There is a superposition a one line on the footer part.
Here is my Pdf class header function :
function Header() {
$titre="MY TITLE";
doing all my stuff
Here is the Footer method :
function Footer() {
$this->SetY(-25); --postionning footer at 2.5 cm from the bottom
doing my stuff
calling program:
$pdf = new Pdf();
$request= "SELECT.....";
$result = $link->query($request) ;
while($row=$result->fetchRow()) {
foreach($row as $champ=>$valeur) {
displaying the fields in the document
My problem : it displays 1 line too much that superposes the Footer.
I would like to give a position between the footer and the inner page. Is that possible?
Thank you
Use the SetAutoPageBreak()
method to increase the bottom margin, for example:
$pdf = new Pdf();
$pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, 40);