I am using Opencvsharp from shimat for building an application. Code simply opens camera, saves the image and close it using below code.
using OpenCvSharp;
VideoCapture capture;
Mat frame;
private void btn_Camera_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
capture = new VideoCapture();
frame = new Mat();
if (capture.Read(frame))
However the picture is saved at 640x480 resolution whereas the camera is capable of capturing 1280x720 resolution pictures.
I tried setting the VideoCapture
properties like below
capture.Set(VideoCaptureProperties.FrameHeight, 720);
capture.Set(VideoCaptureProperties.FrameWidth, 1280);
But still the saved image is of 480p resolution. Is there a way to save it at 720p resolution, like the default windows camera app does.
Also I don't want to save it in 480p and then resize to 720p as that doesn't help in getting the details that needs to captured.
I know in opencv Python its possible. Am looking for something similar in C# with Opencvsharp4
When capturing via OpenCvSharp, 640x480 is the default resolution.
You must set the desired resolution before the device is opened (which is done implicitly when you grab frames) e.g.:
int frameWidth = 1280;
int frameHeight = 720;
int cameraDeviceId = 1;
var videoCapture = VideoCapture.FromCamera(cameraDeviceId);
if (!videoCapture.Set(VideoCaptureProperties.FrameWidth, frameWidth))
logger.LogWarning($"Failed to set FrameWidth to {frameWidth}");
if (!videoCapture.Set(VideoCaptureProperties.FrameHeight, frameHeight))
logger.LogWarning($"Failed to set FrameHeight to {frameHeight}");
using (videoCapture)
var image = videoCapture.RetrieveMat();
logger.LogInformation($"Image size [{image.Width} x {image.Height}]");