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Dynamically configure LDAP server Properties using text file

I currently working with LDAP using Spring Security with XML Configuration. I need advice about how can i put attributes like URL, port, manager-dn and password in external file.

<ldap-server id="ldapServer"
        url="ldap://xxxxx:3268/dc=xxxxx,dc=com" port="3268"
        manager-dn="[email protected]" manager-password="xxxxxx" />

i mean, we need to put it externally because our other team (implementation team) need to change those properties values to go live without changing anything in war/binary file. Thank you


  • Done, thanks to this post

    Steps :

    1. create properties file and put it in the server

    ####### LDAP ##############
    ldap.urls= ldap://xxxx:3268/dc=xxxxx,dc=com
    ldap.manager-dn= [email protected]
    ldap.manager-password= xxxx

    1. create properyplaceholder bean

            <beans:property name="location">

    1. access the properties from XML beans

    <ldap-server id="ldapServer" url="${ldap.urls}" port="3268"
            manager-password="${ldap.manager-password}" />