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How can I bar plot a dataframe with ggplot2?

So I'm trying to create a bar plot to represent two different amounts, one representing the amount of transactions made with the coin_type_1 and another to represent the transactions of coin_type_2. As of now, I have this:

  montoTipo1 <- df %>%
  group_by(MONEDA, Monto) %>%
  filter(MONEDA=="1") %>%
  data.frame() %>%
  summarise(Monto_Tipo1 = sum(Monto, na.rm = TRUE))

montoTipo2 <- df %>%
  group_by(MONEDA, Monto) %>%
  filter(MONEDA=="2") %>%
  data.frame() %>%
  summarise(Monto_Tipo2 = sum(Monto, na.rm = TRUE))

nombres.MontosTipo <- c("Tipo de moneda 1","Tipo de moneda 2")
montosTipo <- c(montoTipo1[[1]], montoTipo2[[1]])
df.MontosTipo <- data.frame(row.names = nombres.MontosTipo, montosTipo) %>%
  rename("Montos totales" = montosTipo)

And the output is:

                 Montos totales
Tipo de moneda 1     1617682625
Tipo de moneda 2      248738139

How can I plot so in my x axis the "Tipo de moneda" data appear and the values graphed are the values I have in my dataframe?


  • As @RuiBarradas has already pointed out, you want to change the rownames into a column, which we can do with tibble::rownames_to_column. Here, I also provide some additional options to further customize the chart. I chose a light hue to fill each bar with. I converted the scientific notation, but if you want the scientific notation along the y-axis, then you can remove the last line here (i.e., scale_y_continuous(labels = comma)).

    df.MontosTipo %>% 
      tibble::rownames_to_column("nombres.MontosTipo") %>% 
      ggplot(aes(x = nombres.MontosTipo, y = `Montos totales`, fill = factor(`Montos totales`))) + 
      geom_col( ) +
      scale_fill_hue(c = 40) +
      theme_bw() +
      theme(legend.position="none") +
      xlab("Nombres") +
      ylab("Montos Totales") +
      scale_y_continuous(labels = comma)


    enter image description here


    df.MontosTipo <-
        list(`Montos totales` = c(1617682625, 248738139)),
        row.names = c("Tipo de moneda 1",
                      "Tipo de moneda 2"),
        class = "data.frame"