I am trying to multiply a list of matrices, in the order they appear within the list starting with matrix 1, by an initial vector and then recursively; so matrix 2 from the list multiplied by that resulting vector. I have tried various iteration of lapply
and map
but am unable to project forward and perform this recursively. More explicitly: A[[1]] % * % allYears[,1]
, then A[[2]] % * % allYears[,2],.....,A[[4]] % * % allYears[,4]
which produces the final 5th column in "allYears"
. Below is the sample code with the known error in the for loop at A[[i]]
indexing as i
is not explicitly referenced.
A <- lapply(1:4, function(x) # construct list of matrices
matrix(c(0, 0, 10,
rbeta(1, 5, 4), 0, 0,
0, rbeta(1, 10, 2), 0), nrow=3, ncol=3, byrow=TRUE, ))
n <- c(1000, 100, 10) # initial vector of abundances
nYears <- 4 # define the number of years to project over
allYears <- matrix(0, nrow=3, ncol=nYears+1) # build a storage array for all abundances
allYears[, 1] <- n # set the year 0 abundance
for (t in 1:(nYears + 1)) { # loop through all years
allYears[, t] <- A[[i]] %*% allYears[, t - 1]
Based on the description, perhaps we need to loop over the sequence - i.e. length of A
is 4
, whereas the number of columns of 'allYears' is 5. Create an index from 2 to ncol
of 'allYears', then loop over the sequence of that index, extract the corresponding element of 'A' based on the sequence whereas we get the allYears
previous column
i1 <- 2:(nYears + 1)
for(t in seq_along(i1)) {
allYears[,i1[t]] <- A[[t]] %*% allYears[,i1[t]-1]
> allYears
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
[1,] 1000 100.00000 817.24277 2081.08322 333.6702
[2,] 100 261.46150 55.44237 423.22095 1244.6680
[3,] 10 81.72428 208.10832 33.36702 355.5175