I'm hoping someone can help me to figure out the issue with my code. I'm trying to figure out the issue with my code for like 5 hours and checked these links 1,2 but couldn't figure out the issue with my code I'm trying to build a Shiny app but when I run my code, I keep getting the error message:
Error: Problem with `mutate()` column `Date`.
ℹ `Date = ymd(Date)`.
x cannot coerce type 'closure' to vector of type 'character'
It looks like the issue is with creating the columns Date and Month but I have them in my data as you can see in this snapshot of my data :
This is my code for reading my data and wrangle data
#Read and wrangle data
dvc_read <- st_read("/Users/Desktop/shap/accident_data.shp", # shapefile stored in repo
stringsAsFactors = FALSE # read factor columns as character columns
dvc_wrangle <- dvc_read %>%
st_transform(crs = 4326) %>% # transform coords to latlong
# decapitalise everything for easy handling
rename_all(tolower) %>%
mutate_if(is.character, tolower) %>% # simplify strings
# deal with dates
Date = ymd(Date), # the issue is with line
Month = case_when( # and this line
Month == 1 ~ "Jan", Month == 2 ~ "Feb",
Month == 3 ~ "Mar", Month == 4 ~ "Apr",
Month == 5 ~ "May", Month == 6 ~ "Jun",
Month == 7 ~ "Jul", Month == 8 ~ "Aug",
Month == 9 ~ "Sep", Month == 10 ~ "Oct",
Month == 11 ~ "Nov", Month == 12 ~ "Dec",
TRUE ~ "Unknown"
# clean up strings (not perfect)
Severity = if_else(Severity %in% c("1", "2", "3"), "unknown", Severity),
Accident.Description = if_else(Accident.Description == "Road closed", "Road_closed", Accident.Description),
City = if_else(str_detect(City, "x") == TRUE, "unknown", City),
City = if_else(
City %in% c(
"Brooklyn", "Jamaica", "Merrick", "Roosevelt", "unclassified",
), "unknown", City
# final name tidy-up
Accident.Description = str_replace_all(Accident.Description, "_", " ")
) %>%
# title case for these columns
mutate_at(vars(Severity, Accident.Description, City), tools::toTitleCase) # To Title Case
# extract latlong cols from sf geometry and bind back to df
dvc_xy <- as.data.frame(st_coordinates(dvc_wrangle))
dvc <- bind_cols(dvc_wrangle, dvc_xy) %>% rename(latitude = X, longitude = Y)
dvc <- readRDS("data/dvc.RDS")
# Month order for dropdown input
mo_order <- c("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
"Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec")
I'll add the Ui code and the server code just for a better understanding
The UI code:
ui <- dashboardPage(
title = "Title",
titleWidth = 450
), # end dashboardHeader()
title = "Filters",
width = 12,
background = "blue",
collapsible = TRUE, collapsed = FALSE,
inputId = "input_year",
label = "Year",
choices = sort(unique(dvc$Year)),
multiple = TRUE,
selected = sample(unique(dvc$Year), 1)
inputId = "input_month",
label = "Month",
choices = unique(dvc$Month[order(match(dvc$Month, mo_order))]),
multiple = TRUE,
selected = sample(unique(dvc$Month), 3)
inputId = "input_la",
label = "Accident.Description",
choices = sort(unique(dvc$Accident.Description)),
multiple = TRUE,
selected = sample(unique(dvc$Accident.Description), 3)
) # end box()
), # end dashboardSidebar()
id = "tabset1",
width = 12,
tabPanel("Map", leafletOutput("output_map", height = "600px")),
tabPanel("Table", dataTableOutput("output_table"))
) # end fluidRow()
) # end dashboardBody()
) # end of ui dashboardPage()
The server code:
server <- function(input, output) {
# Value box - year
output$output_valueyear <- renderValueBox({
value = dvc %>% st_drop_geometry() %>% filter(Year %in% input$input_year) %>% count() %>% pull(),
subtitle = "Collisions in selected year(s)",
icon = icon("calendar", lib = "font-awesome"),
color = "blue",
width = 4
}) # end of renderValueBox
# Value box - year by la
output$output_valueyearla <- renderValueBox({
value = dvc %>% st_drop_geometry() %>% filter(Year %in% input$input_year, Accident.Description %in% input$input_la) %>% count() %>% pull(),
subtitle = "Collisions in selected LA(s) and year(s)",
icon = icon("map-o", lib = "font-awesome"),
color = "blue",
width = 4
}) # end of renderValueBox
# Value box - total in your selection
output$output_valueselection <- renderValueBox({
value = dvc %>% st_drop_geometry() %>% filter(Year %in% input$input_year, Month %in% input$input_month, Accident.Description %in% input$input_la) %>% count() %>% pull(),
subtitle = "Collisions in selection",
icon = icon("car", lib = "font-awesome"),
color = "blue",
width = 4
}) # end of renderValueBox
# Interactive map with Leaflet
output$output_map <- renderLeaflet({
dvc %>%
Year %in% input$input_year,
Month %in% input$input_month,
Accident.Description %in% input$input_la
) %>%
leaflet() %>%
addProviderTiles(providers$OpenStreetMap) %>%
icon = awesomeIcons(
icon = "exclamation-circle",
iconColor = "#FFFFFF",
library = "fa",
markerColor = "darkblue"
popup = ~paste0(
td, th {
text-align: left;
padding: 3px;
"<tr>","<td>", "Date", "</td>", "<td>", Date, "</td>", "<tr>",
"<tr>","<td>", "LA", "</td>", "<td>", Accident.Description, "</td>", "<tr>",
"<tr>","<td>", "City", "</td>", "<td>", City, "</td>", "<tr>",
"<tr>","<td>", "Species", "</td>", "<td>", Severity, "</td>", "<tr>",
}) # end of renderLeaflet
# Interactive table with DT
output$output_table <- renderDataTable({
dvc %>%
st_drop_geometry() %>%
Year %in% input$input_year,
Month %in% input$input_month,
Accident.Description %in% input$input_la
) %>%
Date = Date,
Year = Year,
Month = Month,
`Accident.Description` = Accident.Description,
City = City,
`Severity` = Severity
) %>%
filter = "top",
extensions = c("Scroller", "Buttons"), # scroll instead of paginate
rownames = FALSE, # remove row names
style = "bootstrap", # style
width = "100%", # full width
height = "800px",
options = list(
deferRender = TRUE,
# scroll
scrollY = 300,
scroller = TRUE,
# button
autoWidth = TRUE, # column width consistent when making selections
dom = "Blrtip",
buttons =
extend = "collection",
buttons = c("csv", "excel"), # download extension options
text = "Download" # text to display
) # end of options = list()
) # end of datatable()
}) # end of renderDataTable()
} # end of server function
I really appreciate your help with this issue and fixing the bug I have in my code.
Here's my data using dput():
structure(list(lat = c(40.61955, 40.61955, 40.61955, 40.61955,
40.61955, 40.61955), long = c(-74.02346, -74.02346, -74.02346,
-74.02346, -74.02346, -74.02346), Year = c("2020", "2020", "2019",
"2020", "2020", "2019"), Month = c("2", "11", "10", "9", "1",
"9"), Day = c("6", "21", "26", "20", "11", "15"), Date = c("2020-02-06",
"2020-11-21", "2019-10-26", "2020-09-20", "2020-01-11", "2019-09-15"
), Accident.Description = c("Right lane blocked", "Two lanes blocked",
"Two lanes blocked", "Right lane blocked", "Right lane blocked",
"One lane blocked"), Severity = c("3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3"
), geometry = structure(list(structure(c(-74.02346, 40.61955), class = c("XY",
"POINT", "sfg")), structure(c(-74.02346, 40.61955), class = c("XY",
"POINT", "sfg")), structure(c(-74.02346, 40.61955), class = c("XY",
"POINT", "sfg")), structure(c(-74.02346, 40.61955), class = c("XY",
"POINT", "sfg")), structure(c(-74.02346, 40.61955), class = c("XY",
"POINT", "sfg")), structure(c(-74.02346, 40.61955), class = c("XY",
"POINT", "sfg"))), class = c("sfc_POINT", "sfc"), precision = 0, bbox = structure(c(xmin = -74.02346,
ymin = 40.61955, xmax = -74.02346, ymax = 40.61955), class = "bbox"), crs = structure(list(
input = "NAD83", wkt = "GEOGCRS[\"NAD83\",\n DATUM[\"North American Datum 1983\",\n ELLIPSOID[\"GRS 1980\",6378137,298.257222101,\n LENGTHUNIT[\"metre\",1]]],\n PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0,\n ANGLEUNIT[\"degree\",0.0174532925199433]],\n CS[ellipsoidal,2],\n AXIS[\"latitude\",north,\n ORDER[1],\n ANGLEUNIT[\"degree\",0.0174532925199433]],\n AXIS[\"longitude\",east,\n ORDER[2],\n ANGLEUNIT[\"degree\",0.0174532925199433]],\n ID[\"EPSG\",4269]]"), class = "crs"), n_empty = 0L)), row.names = c(NA,
6L), class = c("sf", "data.frame"), sf_column = "geometry", agr = structure(c(lat = NA_integer_,
long = NA_integer_, Year = NA_integer_, Month = NA_integer_,
Day = NA_integer_, Date = NA_integer_, Accident.Description = NA_integer_, Severity = NA_integer_), .Label = c("constant", "aggregate",
"identity"), class = "factor"))
Thank you all for helping! I really appreciate all the answers you gave me!! I fixed the issues with the code but I'm still facing issues with one column which is the "accident.description" column. Although I changed the name to be "accident" where I thought the dot caused the issue but couldn't figure it out. The error message for this column below:
Error: Problem with `mutate()` column `accident.description`.
ℹ `accident.description = if_else(...)`.
x object 'accident.description' not found
This is my updated code:
dvc_wrangle <- dvc_read %>%
st_transform(crs = 4326) %>% # transform coords to latlong
# decapitalise everything for easy handling
rename_all(tolower) %>%
mutate_if(is.character, tolower) %>% # simplify strings
# deal with dates
Date = ymd(date),
Month = case_when(
month == 1 ~ "Jan", month == 2 ~ "Feb",
month == 3 ~ "Mar", month == 4 ~ "Apr",
month == 5 ~ "May", month == 6 ~ "Jun",
month == 7 ~ "Jul", month == 8 ~ "Aug",
month == 9 ~ "Sep", month == 10 ~ "Oct",
month == 11 ~ "Nov", month == 12 ~ "Dec",
TRUE ~ "Unknown"
# clean up strings (not perfect)
Severity = if_else(severity %in% c("1", "2", "3"), "unknown", severity),
accident.description = if_else(accident.description == "Road closed", "Road_closed", accident.description),
City = if_else(str_detect(city, "x") == TRUE, "unknown", city),
City = if_else(
city %in% c(
"Brooklyn", "Jamaica", "Merrick", "Roosevelt", "unclassified",
), "unknown", city
# final name tidy-up
Accident.Description = str_replace_all(Accident.Description, "_", " ")
) %>%
# title case for these columns
mutate_at(vars(Severity, Accident.Description, City), tools::toTitleCase) # To Title Case
I changed the Road closed to be "road closed" and the name of the column to be "accident" like this but still getting the same error message:
Accident = if_else(accident %in% c("Road closed", "Two lanes blocked", "One lane blocked"), "unknown", accident),
Thank you all for all the help and support guys! You all are amazing! I fixed the code based on your notes and regarding Update II, I changed the "Accident.Description" column name on the LHS to be in the upper case instead of small case. However, I get a new error message:
Error in rename.sf(.tbl, !!!syms) :
internal error: can't find `agr` columns
This is the modified code:
dvc_wrangle <- dvc_read %>%
st_transform(crs = 4326) %>% # transform coords to latlong
# decapitalise everything for easy handling
rename_all(tolower) %>%
mutate_if(is.character, tolower) %>% # simplify strings
# deal with dates
Date = ymd(date),
Month = case_when(
month == 1 ~ "Jan", month == 2 ~ "Feb",
month == 3 ~ "Mar", month == 4 ~ "Apr",
month == 5 ~ "May", month == 6 ~ "Jun",
month == 7 ~ "Jul", month == 8 ~ "Aug",
month == 9 ~ "Sep", month == 10 ~ "Oct",
month == 11 ~ "Nov", month == 12 ~ "Dec",
TRUE ~ "Unknown"
# clean up strings (not perfect)
Severity = if_else(severity %in% c("1", "2", "3"), "unknown", severity),
Accident.Description = if_else(accident.description == "Road closed", "Road_closed", accident.description),
City = if_else(str_detect(city, "x") == TRUE, "unknown", city),
City = if_else(
city %in% c(
"Brooklyn", "Jamaica", "Merrick", "Roosevelt", "unclassified",
), "unknown", city
# final name tidy-up
Accident.Description = str_replace_all(accident.description, "_", " ")
) %>%
# title case for these columns
mutate_at(vars(Severity, Accident.Description, City), tools::toTitleCase) # To Title Case
Your issue is fairly simple. Once the Date
column is renamed as date
# decapitalise everything for easy handling rename_all(tolower) %>%
then that problematic line
# deal with dates mutate( Date = ymd(Date), # the issue is with line
contains an expression ymd(Date)
that refers to a nonexistent column Date
So R searches outside the data mask for something named Date
...and the first thing it finds is the function lubridate::Date()
, which has (presumably) been loaded into your workspace as Date
, via library(lubridate)
. Note that functions are also known as "closures" in R.
In that problematic expression
you are thus supplying a closure as input to ymd()
, which expects a character
vector. Hence the error:
x cannot coerce type 'closure' to vector of type 'character'
Simply alter your code to reference the date
column, which is now lowercase.
# deal with dates
Date = ymd(date),
# ^^^^
As observed here by @bretauv, there are further errors later in your code. Some you can fix by making the same correction to other column names.